
How to make a QR code for Facebook to improve user experience

According to SimilarWeb statistics, Facebook rightfully holds the top position among all social networks (as of September 2023). This is a popular platform for communication, content exchange, business promotion, advertising campaigns, and other purposes. Based on the impressive popularity of this social network, the demand for a QR code generator for Facebook is naturally growing.

What is a Facebook QR code 

A QR code for Facebook is a QR code that contains a link to a post, profile, group, or other content on the Facebook platform. Users can utilize it for personal or business purposes, such as boosting sales, facilitating online dating, or exchanging contacts.

When a person scans a Facebook page QR code using a smartphone camera or particular QR scanner application, the page on this social network added to the code will be displayed on their device's screen. If the user does not have the Facebook application installed, the link will open in the browser.

The most important advantages of a Facebook QR code

Companies, marketers, and ordinary users will open up many valuable opportunities if they convert Facebook to QR code. The key ones include:

– instant access to information. Users will instantly get access to your QR Facebook page after pointing their smartphone camera at the QR code. This improves content engagement and user experience;

– brand promotion. You can easily integrate QR codes into promotional materials or add them to the product packaging. This helps improve the awareness of a company or personal brand without increasing the advertising budget;

– multifunctionality. You have the option to add any link to QR code. It can be a business page, a group with advertisements, an online store, an event, a personal profile on Facebook, etc.;

– assessment of marketing effectiveness. By monitoring the scans of QR code Facebook, businesses can gain accurate data on user engagement and the performance of their marketing efforts

Options for using a QR code for Facebook

Considering the mentioned advantages, you can use the Facebook QR code for various tasks. So, it makes sense to add the link to the QR code in the following situations:

1. For business. Companies often use QR codes to redirect customers to their official Facebook page quickly.

2. For an online store. If a store creates a QR code for a specific product, it will redirect customers to the product's QR code page Facebook.

3. For advertising. QR codes are ideal for use in promotional materials to increase engagement with your target audience.

4. For a personal profile. Many people create QR codes for their individual Facebook pages so that users can be easily added as friends.

5. For groups and events. QR codes offer seamless access to specific Facebook pages, simplifying the process for new members to join.

How to generate a QR code for Facebook

The multifunctional GET-QR QR code generator for Facebook allows you to add a URL to QR code, redirecting users to the required page on the social network. Follow these steps to generate a Facebook QR code for free:

– open the QR code generator GET-QR and select the QR code type “Link”;

– paste the link to the chosen Facebook page into the appropriate field;

– customize the QR code design if you want to integrate it into personalized advertising or leave the default design;

– click the “Create” button to preview the future code. At this stage, you can make the adjustments, for example, change the link in the QR code, add a frame, etc.;

– click the “Download” button to save the QR code in the correct format and size, or “Print” to print it.

A QR code for Facebook is a quick and convenient way to share a link on this social network. That's why it's worth using a Facebook QR code generator to get more benefits from QR technology!