
Separating fact from fiction: 10 myths about converting a file or URL to QR code

QR technology has widely spread in various fields of human activity. It is applied by commercial and non-profit organizations and used by ordinary people for personal purposes. Unfortunately, such a great demand for QR codes also has a downside - it leads to different guesses and doubtful facts.

Despite all the benefits of using a QR code generator, you may have yet to hear about some of the myths associated with interactive codes. Some are on the border between reality and fiction, while others seem almost probable. To effectively add a link, image, video, or PDF to QR code and then apply it for your purposes, it is worth dispelling the most popular myths about QR technology.

Myth #1. You can only create a limited number of QR codes 

Users who actively generate QR codes often worry that the time will come when they won't be able to do so. However, the number of unique codes is limitless. All QR codes are unique though they may seem to be similar in look.

Myth #2 You can add only a link to QR code

It is true that, most often, users are interested in how they can create a QR code from a link. This is the most common use case for a QR generator. However, you can also upload plain text, a video, an image, or a PDF to QR code.

Myth #3 QR code is limited in options

The options of the interactive code are constantly expanding. For example, modern QR code generators allow you to upload different content into the code, edit the design, change the type of code and its content, and get scans statistics. All these features are valuable for marketing and open up many opportunities for advertising.

Myth #4 Hackers can hack the QR code

Because dynamic codes are editable, some users are concerned about their security. However, it is important to remember that only the creator of a particular code has access to its settings. Therefore, if someone wants to hack your QR code, they will need your authorization data to enter the QR code generator site.

Myth #5 QR codes are difficult to scan

You need only a smartphone to scan the QR code. Then you point your gadget's camera at the code and instantly get access to the encrypted content. Also, very often, short instructions are placed near the QR code on how to make a scan so that any user can handle this task.

Myth #6 QR codes have no analytical value

One of the most important advantages of dynamic QR codes is access to statistics. This information may include various details, such as the number of unique code scans, user location data, etc. Such valuable analytics will be beneficial to adjust your strategy for using QR technology.

Myth #7 QR codes are not displayed beautifully 

A standard QR code is a pattern of black and white squares. You can add a file or a link to QR code, but interactive codes will look rather similar in the end. If you want to make the code unique, edit its design. If you change the corners’ color and style and add a frame and logo, you will have a unique tool for advertising campaigns or personal purposes.

Myth #8 QR code is easy to damage

It all depends on the material where your QR code is placed. Thus, paper codes can be easily creased or torn, while those engraved on metal are more difficult to damage. In any case, even if the code is damaged by 25-30%, users can still open it.

Myth #9 No one scans QR codes today

Destroying this myth is easy. Just take a look at the QR codes’ use statistics all over the world. You will see that the codes are actively generated and scanned on all continents. Some users regularly add a link, presentation, video, or PDF to QR codes, while others use the codes to pay for goods and services, access information, register for events, and perform other everyday tasks.

Myth #10 You can't add a new file or URL to QR code 

If you create a QR code of a dynamic type, then you can edit its content and features at any time. For instance, delete an image or add a URL to QR code. Static codes do not provide such an option. Therefore, choose the QR code generator that allows you to generate dynamic codes.

Today on the Internet, you can find contradictory information about QR codes. However, most of the provided theses are easily exposed myths. Now that you have accurate information about QR code options and benefits, you can use the codes more effectively in your personal and professional endeavors.