
The advantages and ways how to add a link to QR code

QR technology allows you to include various content within a QR code: restaurant menus, contact information, infographics, geolocation, and more. Despite the expanded functionality of a QR code generator, many users still prefer to make  QR code for link rather than other types of content.

Why is adding a link to QR code so popular?

Undoubtedly, URLs are the most versatile type of content. The reason behind this is that a web link can contain a variety of media, such as videos, text and audio files, images, and more. Therefore, a simple way to share information or files is to convert URL to QR code.

Moreover, users have the flexibility to generate QR code from various types of links. This approach enhances the usability and adaptability of the QR codes, ensuring they cater to a broader audience.

Here are some examples of how you can utilize QR codes with links:

- Web pages. These can range from personal and corporate websites to landing pages, blogs, news portals, and forums;

- Social networks. To share your profile or a specific page on a social network,  add the relevant link to QR code;

- Geolocation. You can copy the location coordinates on the map and add the resulting URL to QR code;

- Documents. To share a file on Google Drive, open access to it and add the copied link to  QR code;

- Wi-Fi. You can insert a link to QR code containing router settings or data for connecting to the Internet;

- Calendar events. Use Google Calendar to share Calendar events seamlessly. By simply converting the event link into a QR code, one can easily access all necessary information;

- Text. Create an online text note using specialized services, generate a link, and then add URL to the QR code.;

- Portfolio. Use dedicated portfolio services like Behance or Portfoliobox to share work samples via a URL QR code.

In any case, the choice depends on your goal. Your QR code with a link offers a convenient, free, and quick way to share information with others.

Benefits of adding a URL to QR code

Among the key advantages of a URL QR code are:

- cost-efficiency. If you want to create QR code for link, you don't need to spend money on specialized software;

- ease of use. You can print the interactive code or use it electronically as per your preference;

- versatility. A modern link QR code can be scanned on mobile devices in any country in the world;

- editing flexbility. You can not only add the URL to QR code, but also change the link at any time;

- scan analytics. In your account, you can access information about who scans your QR code and the devices used.

The objective of a link QR code is to redirect the user to a specific web address. This can be any URL of value to a person and one that adheres to network safety rules.

How to quickly make QR code for link?

Use the GET-QR service! With our QR code generator, you can create QR code for link quickly and for free. Important note: registration is not required. However, if you want access to advanced features, such as analytics monitoring and content editing, signing up for the service is recommended.

To create QR code for link:

– open the GET-QR URL QR code generator and select the “Link” QR code type;

– paste your link in the appropriate field;

– optionally customize the QR code or leave the default design;

– click the "Create" button to preview the future code;

– click “Download” to save the QR code in the desired format and size, or choose “Print” to print the code.

That's it! Convert your desired URL to QR code, making your content accessible to anyone.